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Finans Gündem Devler Ligi'nde

Finans Gündem Devler Ligi'nde
22 Ocak 2015 - 12:23

Yazarımız Ayça Karaca’nın ünlü ekonomist Prof. Steve Hanke röportajlarını dünya konuşuyor.

Ekonomi dünyasının ünlü akademisyeni Prof. Steve Hanke röportajları’un dünya devleri ile aynı klasmanda olduğunu ortaya koydu.  Ekonomi haber portalları içinde kulvarında rakipsiz olan bilindiği gibi Steve Hanke tarafından okurlarına, takipçilerine, öğrencilerine ve meslektaşlarına önerilmişti. Bu kez de dün Hanke’nin Avrupa Merkez Bankası’na yönelik yorumu ile TCMB Başkanı Başçı’ya faiz kararı öncesi’dan gönderdiği mesajının yer aldığı röportaj, çok saygın bir kurumda paylaşıldı. Yazarımız Ayça Karaca’nın sorularına verdiği ve “Hanke’den Başçı’ya mesaj var” başlığıyla yayınlanan yanıtların yer aldığı çarpıcı röportaj, Prof. Hanke’nin de yönetiminde olduğu CATO Institute'de yayınladı., dünyanın en önde gelen sivil toplum örgütlerinden biri olan CATO Institute'ün aylık söyleşi ve makaleler listesinde 35 numarada yer aldı. Aynı listede Washington Times, Bloomberg, Chicago Tribune, gibi dünya devleri de yer alıyor.
İşte CATO Institute'ün listesi…
1. Chicago Tribune (IL) (also appeared in Reason Online, Real Clear Politics, National Review Online, Decatur Herald-Review (IL), Northwest Florida Daily News (FL), OA Online and Elkhart Truth (IN)), Sun, January 18, 2015: Gene Healy featured in a column by Steve Chapman on the State of the Union address: "Cancel the State of the Union"
2. Washington Times, Fri, January 16, 2015: Roger Pilon quoted in an article by Phillip Swarts on law enforcement not being able to use money or property seized by state and local police officers: "Eric Holder: Feds won’t be able to use money, property seized by police"
3. Bloomberg (also appeared in Yahoo! Finance, Biloxi-Gulfport Sun-Herald (MS) and (Phoenix AZ)), Mon, January 19, 2015: Mark Calabria quoted in an article by Jeanna Smialek and Annie Linskey on President Obama's upcoming State of the Union address: "Obama to Stake Out Ambitious Plan to Help Poor and Middle Class"
4. Bloomberg View (also appeared in Korea Herald and Private Wealth Magazine), Tue, January 20, 2015: Richard W. Rahn featured in an op-ed by Barry Ritholtz on the quality of life of those in poverty: "Are the poor better off than King Louis XIV?"
5. The Hill, Tue, January 20, 2015: Julian Sanchez featured in an article by Julian Hattem on decisions regarding the Patriot Act: "GOP faces Patriot Act choice"
6. Washington Examiner, Mon, January 19, 2015: Randal O'Toole featured in a round-up: "Think Tanks: Big Brother moves into the passenger seat"
7. Washington Examiner, Tue, January 20, 2015: Daniel J. Mitchell quoted in an article by Sean Higgins on increasing the minimum wage: "Obama's plans may raise cost of hiring by more than $5 per hour"
8., Tue, January 20, 2015: Jim Harper mentioned in an article by Michael Bobelian on Bitcoin: "Bitcoin's Leading Advocacy Group Changes Direction"
9. Daily Caller, Mon, January 19, 2015: Patrick J. Michaels featured in an article by Michael Bastasch on last year being declared the hottest year on record: "HOT AIR: Scientists Say NOAA/NASA Fudging The Facts On 2014 Record Warmth"
10. Slate (also appeared in Business Insider), Tue, January 20, 2015: Cato featured in an article by Josh Voorhees on the effects of marijuana legalization in Colorado after one year: "A Blazing Start"
11. Vox, Sat, January 17, 2015: Cato featured in an article by Andrew Prokop on the 'Lochner era' of the Supreme Court: "The Supreme Court's infamous 'Lochner era' ended in the 1930s. Rand Paul wants it back."
12. Mother Jones, Tue, January 20, 2015: Jim Harper quoted in an article by Jenna McLaughlin on cybersecurity issues in the State of the Union address: "Obama Wants Companies to Stop Stealing Your Data. Good Luck."
13., Tue, January 20, 2015: Daniel J. Mitchell featured in a new media post by John Stossel on the upcoming State of the Union re-cap: "2015 State of the Union"
14., Tue, January 20, 2015: Nicole Kaeding quoted in an article by Adam Tobias on SBA loans to Wisconsin firms: "Wisconsin firms serving ‘wealthy lifestyles’ received millions in SBA loans"
15. SCOTUS Blog, Sat, January 17, 2015: Cato mentioned in a new media post by William Eskridge on the Supreme Court agreeing to hear a case on same-sex marriage: "Symposium: Original meaning, public deliberation, and marriage equality"
16. OC Register (CA), Fri, January 16, 2015: Chris Edwards cited in an editorial on higher gas taxes: "Editorial: We don't need to pay more gas taxes"
17. Pittsburgh Tribune Review (PA), Tue, January 20, 2015: Cato mentioned in a book review by Alan Wallace on two different books: "A Chinese voice extols free market for China's economy"
18. Daily Signal, Fri, January 16, 2015: Neal McCluskey featured in a new media post by Glenn Foden on the president's community college announcement: "Cartoon: How ‘Free’ Community College Is Going to Work Out"
19. Business Recorder Online, Mon, January 19, 2015: Cato mentioned in a new media post on internet privacy: "Incognito browser mode doesn't protect against internet spying"
20. Urban Milwaukee (WI), Tue, January 20, 2015: Cato featured in an op-ed by Bruce Murphy on the anti-streetcar effort: "Who Is Funding the Anti-Streetcar Effort?"
21. Boulder Daily Camera (CO), Fri, January 16, 2015: Cato cited in a letter by Chris Hansen on election laws: "Chris Hansen: Elections, law and government"
22. (Frederick MD), Tue, January 20, 2015: Walter Olson featured in a new media post on a legal case dealing with children walking around a neighborhood alone: "Frederick Forum Clip - Walter Olson"
23. Carolina Journal Online (NC), Tue, January 20, 2015: Michael F. Cannon mentioned in an op-ed by Katherine Restrepo on King v. Burwell: "Obamacare Heads Back to the High Court"
24. Ellsworth American (ME), Fri, January 16, 2015: Chris Edwards featured in an editorial on transportation issues: "Transportation re-think"
25. New Zealand Herald, Tue, January 20, 2015: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Rose Patterson on charter schools: "Gov't silent on failing charter school"
26. Pitt News (University of Pittsburgh), Tue, January 20, 2015: Cato featured in a column by Eli Talbert on reasons to be a liberal: "Seven reasons why you should be a liberal"
27. Heartland Institute Online, Fri, January 16, 2015: Nicole Kaeding quoted in an article by Matt Hurley on free market reforms and economic recovery: "Free-Market Reforms Key to States’ Recovery"
28. E & E Publishing, Mon, January 19, 2015: Cato mentioned in an article by Jeremy P. Jacobs on Horne v. USDA: "Supreme Court to take up Calif. raisin case for 2nd time"
29. New American, Mon, January 19, 2015: Patrick J. Michaels featured in an article by Alex Newman on last year being declared the hottest year on record: "NASA's Own Data Refutes 2014 "Warmest on Record" Claim"
30. Renew America, Mon, January 19, 2015: Cato cited in an op-ed by Patrick Garry on the effectiveness of big government: "Exposing the myth: bigger government not an ally of the average person--Part I"
31. UK Progressive, Tue, January 20, 2015: Think Progress article by Ian Millhiser featuring Michael Cannon on King v. Burwell re-printed at UK Progressive: "Scott Walker’s Obamacare Video Kills The Case Against The Law. Gruber’s Video Is Irrelevant"
32. Inside Philanthropy, Mon, January 19, 2015: Cato featured in an op-ed by David Callahan on philanthropy and civil rights: "White Money vs. White Privilege: Philanthropy and Civil Rights From Selma to Ferguson"
33. Jurist, Sun, January 18, 2015: Walter Olson featured in an op-ed by Elizabeth C. Varner and Diane Penneys Edelman and Leila Amineddoleh on a response to his op-ed on the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act: "NAGPRA and Congress's Foresight"
34. National Mortgage News, Fri, January 16, 2015: Mark Calabria mentioned in a new media post by Brad Finkelstein on a Q&A with HUD Secretary Julian Castro: "HUD Secretary Event to Feature Social Media Q&A on Housing"
35. FinansGundem, Tue, January 20, 2015: Steve H. Hanke quoted in an article on the European Central Bank: "Special interview with Prof. Hanke for FinansGundem"
36. National Center for Policy Analysis, Mon, January 19, 2015: Neal McCluskey featured in an article on the president's community college announcement: "College Degrees: Does Everybody Need One?"
37. (also appeared in (Tyler TX)), Fri, January 16, 2015: Patrick J. Michaels featured in a new media post by Bob Unruh on last year being declared the hottest year on record: "Scientists eviscerate feds' 'hottest year' claim"
38., Sun, January 18, 2015: Cato featured in an op-ed by Kevin Price on qualifications for the next president: "The Next President Should be a Governor Promoting Fiscal Reform"
39., Fri, January 16, 2015: Patrick J. Michaels featured in a new media post on last year being declared the hottest year on record: "2014 officially hottest year on record"
40. Communities Digital News, Sun, January 18, 2015: Doug Bandow featured in an op-ed by Paul Samakow on US-Cuba relations: "New Cuba policy: Mr. Rubio, would you like a cigar?"
41. College Fix, Tue, January 20, 2015: Cato mentioned in an article by Julianne Stanford on a records request from the Koch brothers: "Academic freedom of faculty at stake in Koch-related records request"
42. Healthcare Dive, Tue, January 20, 2015: Cato featured in an op-ed by Anne Zieger on hospital based police: "The downside of hospital-based police"
43. Open Democracy (UK), Mon, January 19, 2015: Cato mentioned in an op-ed by Conor J. Lynch on climate change: "Living in denial: big oil and the religious right unite against our environment"
44. PJ Media, Tue, January 20, 2015: Chris Edwards featured in a new media post by Richard Fernandez on government failures: "Robin in Deadwood Forest"
45. Powerline Blog, Mon, January 19, 2015: Cato featured in a new media post by John Hinderaker on the ineffectiveness of increased education spending: "More Money: The Universal Solution"
46. (Charlottesville VA), Tue, January 20, 2015: Steve H. Hanke featured in an article on the state of the US market: "US Experiencing Bull Market, but Investors Remain Leery Given Instability and Malaise of European Economies"
47. Ricochet, Fri, January 16, 2015: Cato featured in a new media post by Tom Meyer on alcohol regulations: "Trouble Brewing"
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